All About Blackheads plus Tips for Adult Acne
What is a blackhead exactly? And why are they black? Is it dirt? No. It’s not dirt. If you have blackheads, it does not mean you have a dirty face. Exactly what is a blackhead? A blackhead is an impaction made up of various oils and waxes made by your skin, mixed with skin cells that have died and have dislodged from the very top layer of your epidermis. The same top layer that makes up the surface of your skin lines your pores as well. Just about every pore has a blackhead, some larger, some smaller, depending on the oil production level of the oil gland attached to that pore, and the level of dead skin cell production. As we age, we produce less oil and more dead skin cells. Now, over time (not much), these two main substances, oil and dead skin cells, oxidize and change color. The oil gets yellow and the dead skin cells get a darker version of whatever color they were according to the melanin levels set forth by your DNA. ...