Scarf Attack! How Your Winter Breakouts Can Be Prevented
Do you have new jawline and neck breakouts that are bad enough to have you running to your doctor? Don’t go making an appointment just yet… This winter is cold but the weather keeps fluctuating. Sometimes it's humid with snow, sometimes bitter cold and dry. Nothing else bears the brunt of freezing cold like your skin. But you know what, while everyone is familiar with the drying and chapping effects of frigid winds, very few people take into account how the weather might affect adult acne. What makes winter different, why would adult acne breakouts be any different than now? The answer is friction. The kind of breakouts that can be caused by friction are painful, red, hard lumps. They often occur in clusters, as you may see right now along your jawline and neck. These "papules" are commonly confused with what some refer to as "cysts" but that's not actually what they are. Cysts are infected pimples that become so out of control, the inf...