Adult Acne Tip : You really do need a moisturizer !
There are often times when a new client fills out my Eval by Email ® consultation form, and they leave the Nighttime Moisturizer field blank. It seems many people think they don’t need a moisturizer because their skin is oily, or they’re uncomfortable with the idea because they’ve broken out so much from them in the past. I’d like to shed some light on moisturizers, why they seem to break you out, why you actually do need one, and how to obtain the right one for you. A big part of the problem is they way most moisturizers are made. The basic formulation of every lotion is oil, water and something to bind them together so they won't separate. One with more oil than water is called a water-in-oil emulsion, while one with more water than oil is called an oil-in-water emulsion. The first one is best for skin that doesn't make enough oil to protect itself (which describes the skin of about 10% of the world's population), while the second describes most lotions on ...